WELLthier Living and Aging

WELLthier Living and Aging
Caregiving Will Help a Nation in Mourning
As the pandemic and ensuing economic instability, together with violence and protests, rip through the country, the US is hurting. In order to heal, caregiving is needed more than ever.
The caregiver looks beyond race, gender, politics, and age and extends themself with compassion, demonstrating kindness and genuine concern. The caregiver has the ability to look beyond him/herself and beyond social identity to see the human being.
Often the care receiver, in welcoming the caregiver, reciprocates with kindness, and can become the one who gives. The giver and receiver are both able to look beyond imperfections and be present for each other. A new relationship develops—one of mutual acceptance and understanding.
Caregiving epitomizes the trust and caring that is so necessary in the face of today’s hurt.
Blight, A. (2020, June 10). Caregiving: A metaphor for national healing. Caregiving Kinetics. https://caregivingkinetics.com/caregiving-metaphor-for-healing/