Our Mission
a world where humanity and our planet are safe and thriving.

Our mission is to transform healthcare by inspiring and empowering individuals with today's Regenerative Whole Health™ knowledge, resources, and community to proactively prevent harm, address chronic diseases, and create WELLthier Living for you, your family, humanity, and our planet.
our objectives
KnoWEwell is uniquely designed to facilitate the transformation of healthcare by addressing individual and global health, economic, social and environmental crises by:
(1) empowering individuals with control: today’s knowledge, resources, and community, to make better-informed choices to achieve optimal health and well-being for themselves and our planet;
(2) improving awareness and global access to RWH knowledge and providers for all individuals, including vulnerable populations, to prevent and address the root causes of chronic diseases thereby improving population healing and health;
(3) reducing long-term healthcare costs;
(4) facilitating better patient/provider connection to improve patient healing success and the job satisfaction of providers;
(5) building unity in the fragmented RWH market;
(6) raising the credibility of RWH approaches and therapies; and
(7) helping to ensure the thriving regenerative future of humanity and our planet.
our mantra
Together WE inspire and empower WELLthier Living -
Happy. Healthy. Abundant. Purpose-Filled!
Our being is to create global consciousness, healing, and hope while providing you with peace of mind throughout your life journey.
KnoWEwell is about providing knowledge, learning from the past, combining ancient wisdom with new science and technological innovations to bring forward light and love. WE believe knowledge in the hands of all empowers individuals to make conscious personal, informed, optimal health and well-being choices.
KnoWEwell is about you, me, us, life, the planet. WE are all unique and whole individuals. WE are all connected. WE need each other and the biodiversity of all living species and our planet to thrive and regenerate.
KnoWEwell is about optimizing health and well-being. Inspiring and empowering a WELLthier Living WorldTM. Happy, Healthy, Abundant, Purpose-Filled.
Our Manifesto
WE are the people for all the people and our planet.
An ecosystem of innovative healers without borders with noble pursuits.
Our children, humanity, and our planet are at risk and we will not wait for conventional systems
and approaches to solve our health issues and world crises.
WE are moms, dads, entrepreneurs, doctors, providers, professionals. WE are you.
Each of our personal journeys is unique, yet we are kindred spirits with a common theme and
mission. Either through the necessity to solve our own or family members' health issues, seeing a
friend suffering, or feeling the pain of the global health, economic and environmental crises, we began our healing quests.
WE are collaborative problem solvers proactively creating innovative solutions for healing and
WE, the change-makers, know:
We are all whole unique individuals, mind, body, and spirit
We are also all connected to each other, all living species, and our planet in a circle of life
Our DNA may be our ancestry, but it is not our destiny
Our health is primarily affected by our unique lifestyle and our environmental exposures
WE have the knowledge, the power, and substantial control to create better health outcomes
for ourselves, our families, and our planet
WE are stronger when we collaborate together and are UNITED
WE are coming together as a whole, collaboratively working together to
BE the Change and create the future we seek...
a happy, healthy, thriving regenerative WELLthier Living World™
for all people, all living species, and our planet.

Why a Certified B Corporation?
KnoWEwell is fundamentally about uniting in the Whole. The Whole Unique individual. The Whole Regenerative Whole Health Ecosystem. The Whole WE. Rooted in love of humanity and our planet, I designed KnoWEwell from the ground up as a whole solution to address individual, RWH industry and global health, social, economic, and environmental crises with benefits for all stakeholders.
It is the whole of the Industrial Revolution in which systems and organizations that may have been started with good intentions were most often built without a lack of consciousness and connection between the impact on ourselves, others, and our planet. It is this lack of consciousness, push for instant gratification, that has most often valued profits above people and our planet and has resulted in the global health, social, economic, and environmental crises we have today. As we enter this Digital Revolution, unless we create new systems and organizations, and do it differently, taking the time to step back, be present, and assess the whole impact and consciously make changes, we are risking the sustainable and regenerative future of humanity, all living species, and our planet.
When I began KnoWEwell, and would explain what I was designing, most people were pushing me to start small, write a blog and establish a nonprofit, saying my plans were too grand and altruistic. But I was feeling the weight of the world’s crises and an overwhelming sense of urgency and critical necessity to create KnoWEwell as an organization with new Regenerative Whole Health thinking, systems, and approaches. I then stumbled across Certified B Corporations. It was a thrilling day to learn I wasn’t the only person thinking this way! With my whole KnoWEwell design, mission, and background as a quality assurance auditor, having auditable processes to prove “we walk the talk” felt natural. From the very beginning as a startup, I designed the foundation of organization and programs to become a Certified B Corporation.
Today KnoWEwell is a Public Benefit Corporation. We have completed the B Lab Assessment, obtained pending status, and are working toward final certification. I am leading, and WE are a growing family, building the KnoWEwell organization to be a role model for organizations today and future generations. WE are an early stage company with grand plans! Rooted in and united in love for global consciousness, healing, and hope for the thriving regenerative future of humanity, all living species, and our planet. Together WE seek to BE THE CHANGE that inspires and empowers a WELLthier Living World – Happy. Healthy. Abundant. Purpose-Filled.

B Lab is a nonprofit organization dedicated to using the power of business as a force for good.
The B Lab certifies B Corporations, similar to the way TransFair certifies Fair Trade foods or USGBC certifies LEED buildings. The B stands for “benefit,” and refers to assessing corporations on what matters most: the ability of a business to not only generate returns, but also to create value for its customers, employees, community, and the environment. Credible, comprehensive, transparent, and independent standards of social and environmental performance are created and revised by the Standards Advisory Council (SAC), a group of independent experts in business and academia.
Certified B Corporations meet the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. Certified B Corporations are a global movement of business leaders that seek to redefine success in business, so that one day all companies compete not only to be the best in the world, but to be the best for the world.
To qualify as a B Corporation and receive certification from the B Lab, a company must:
- have an explicit social or environmental mission, and a legally binding fiduciary responsibility to take into account the interests of workers, the community, and the environment as well as its shareholders
- adopt the B Lab’s commitment to sustainability and treating its workers well in its articles of incorporation
- pay an annual fee based on revenues
- complete a B Impact Report (a lengthy questionnaire that measures social and environmental impact, meet B Lab’s comprehensive social and environmental performance standards) and achieve a minimum score
- make their B Impact Report public
Learn more about the B Lab.