Integrative Health and Wellness

Integrative Health and Wellness
Non-Invasive, Drug-Free Pain Treatment
While no treatment for neck pain or other neuromusculoskeletal complaints is 100% risk free, research shows the risks associated with chiropractic manipulation are very small.
Headaches and neck pain can be treated through cervical manipulation, or neck adjustment, to reduce muscle spasm and improve range of motion. Relief of pain, stiffness, and soreness is typical due to lessening of pressure and tension. Research has shown that arterial injury such as vertebrobasilar artery stroke, which can be caused by activities as simple as swimming or turning the head, is rare with this type of manipulation.
A clinical comparative trial published by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2018 showed that chiropractic care combined with medical care for lower back pain provided greater relief than medical care alone.
Common treatments for neck and back pain—prescription drugs, including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and opioid pain medications—carry significant risks. It’s estimated that one in four people prescribed long-term opioids become addicted, while extended use of painkillers such as ibuprofen can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding.
Surgery for neck and back complaints also carries risks of infection and other post-surgical problems, while bed rest, another treatment, can lead to muscle atrophy and thromboembolism.
A 2012 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that manipulation and exercise were more effective in relieving pain than pain medication.
It is recommended that patients consulting a chiropractic doctor be specific about their symptoms so that the safest and most effective treatment can be determined.
Hands Down Better. (n.d.). Safe and effective. American Chiropractic Association. https://handsdownbetter.org/about-chiropractic/safe-and-effective/