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National Public Health Week Spotlights Community
National Public Health Week (NPHW), celebrated from April 5 to 11 this year, comes in the midst of the most challenging public health crisis of our lifetimes. We may be physically distant from each other, but now it’s more important than ever to come together, say the organizers, the American Public Health Association (APHA).
Making communities safe and healthy is public health’s top priority, according to APHA, who this year have chosen the theme of “Building Bridges to Better Health.” Each day of NPHW 2021 focuses on a different piece of the bridges that connect us—or keep us apart—from strengthening community to advancing racial equity to constructing COVID-19 resilience. Climate justice, mental health, and healthcare workers will also be addressed with events and forums.
Racism is an ongoing public health crisis that has played a significant role in widening health disparities. The result is accelerated aging and increased risk of chronic diseases and other adverse health outcomes. NPHW will spotlight the steps that need to be taken to reverse the crisis, including educating healthcare providers and hospital staff about racial and ethnic disparities.
Community building is critical for improving health outcomes. Rates of preventable deaths go down in communities where local public health spending goes up. People with greater feelings of support and inclusion within their networks tend to live longer, respond better to stress, and have stronger immune systems, according to APHA. Negative health behaviors, like smoking, and alcohol and drug use, decrease as people in an individual’s networks stop as well. Infrastructure like well-maintained sidewalks and bike paths encourage physical activity and reduce injury.
Public health data show that action backed by science results in improved health outcomes. Non-medical mask-wearing by 75% of a population reduced infections, hospitalizations, and deaths due to COVID-19 by 37.7%, while states and counties that enforced stay-at-home orders saw significantly decreased incidence of infection and death rates.
American Public Health Association. (2021, April). National Public Health Week: Building bridges to better health. http://www.nphw.org/nphw-2021