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Industry News
Melatonin Gummies May Be Mislabeled
Melatonin gummies have surged in popularity in recent years, as people search for solutions to promote sleep and relaxation. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, approximately 1.3% of children in the US were using melatonin, primarily for sleep, stress, and relaxation; during the pandemic, use increased even further.
The safety of melatonin has been called into question recently, as highlighted in a 2022 CDC report, which found a 530% increase in the number of accidental pediatric ingestions of melatonin over the last decade, resulting in 27,795 emergency department and clinic visits, 4,097 hospitalizations, 287 intensive care unit admissions, and 2 deaths.
New research has found that melatonin gummies may contain far more of the hormone than what’s indicated on the label. Researchers from Cambridge Health Alliance and the University of Mississippi analyzed 25 different melatonin gummies and found that 22 contained a greater amount of melatonin from what was indicated on the label. One product contained only three-quarters (74%) of the amount advertised on the label, another contained 347% more than what was listed, and one product contained no detectable melatonin.
The findings were published as a letter in JAMA.
Cohen, P., et al. (2023, April 25). Quantity of melatonin and CBD in melatonin gummies sold in the US. JAMA. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2804077