Mental and Behavioral Well-Being

Mental and Behavioral Well-Being
Learn about Anxiety, Stress, and Fear from TED Talks
It’s estimated that 45 million adults in America, or 18%, have an anxiety disorder.
A Thing Named is a collection of resources, tools, tactics, and stories for people living with anxiety. The online site has put together a collection of the on anxiety, stress, and fear from TED Talks, the global non-profit organization and community of individuals dedicated to seeking a better understanding of the world. Its motto is “How can we best spread great ideas?”
This collection includes talks on how to make stress your friend, how to stay calm when you know you’ll be stressed, how body language shapes who you are, and sharing your anxiety with others.
Here are some samples from the talks:
“Can changing how you think about stress make you healthier? And here the science says yes. When you change your mind about stress, you can change your body’s response to stress.”
“The opposite of depression is not happiness, but vitality, and it was vitality that seemed to seep away from me in that moment.”
“I want to start by offering you a free no-tech life hack, and all it requires of you is this: that you change your posture for two minutes.”
“Our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.”
“Here’s where the bias comes in. Our most important institutions, our schools and our workplaces, are designed mostly for extroverts and for extroverts’ need for lots of stimulation."
“There was only one variable that separated the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging and the people who really struggle for it. And that was, the people who have a strong sense of love and belonging believe they’re worthy of love and belonging. That’s it. They believe they’re worthy.”
The 15 best TED Talks on anxiety, stress, and fear (2020, January 9). Retrieved from https://athingnamed.com/best-ted-talks-on-anxiety-stress-and-fear