woman eating in the hospital.
Roman Zaiets/Shutterstock

Food, Farming and Nutrition

Article Abstracts
Nov 30, 2020

Food, Farming and Nutrition

Healthy Food Helps Hospital Patients Heal

Article Abstracts
Feb 19, 2025

If doctor’s orders are to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, why is hospital food so bad? Over the past few years, doctors have been asking this very question and demanding that healthy food options be added to the hospital menu. The problem has remained for decades: Doctors tell patients to make dietary changes, only to be undermined by the very hospital that’s treating them.

Some hospitals are finally starting to listen. Hiring executive chefs, nutritionists, and dieticians, hospitals are working to cater to the myriad of nutritional needs and dietary restrictions that in-patients have during their hospital stay. A 2019 study found that hospital malnutrition affects 30-50% of patients worldwide. Many enter the hospital at risk for malnutrition and experience decline during their hospital stay. Researchers discovered that one in three US hospital patients are at risk of malnutrition, leading to poorer outcomes and increased mortality risk.

While struggling with dwindling budgets and overwhelmed by COVID-19 patients, healthier meal options for patients, staff, and visitors offers a better overall hospital experience during these difficult times. Many doctors say that when a patient is recovering in hospital is an ideal time to teach them about proper nutrition. A good diet not only helps patients recover more quickly but sets them up to adopt a healthy lifestyle once at home.

Many hospitals are revamping their nutritional programs to include patient-centered menus, healthier options in the cafeteria, and even large-scale catering for events such as board meetings, graduations, and new-hire orientations. From made-to-order dishes like Asian chicken salad to healthy flatbread pizza to freshly made salads and more, some hospitals making the necessary changes to provide healthy meal options available for everyone who steps through their doors.

As hospitals move from the old standard of red Jell-O and thawed TV dinners to freshly made flavorful meals, they show patients how to eat to live well. The more importance that is placed on nutrition and eating a balanced diet, the better the quality of life for everyone, from patients to staff to visitors.


McCluskey, M. (2020, March 16). Healthy eating is key to well-being. So why is hospital food so bad? HuffPost.  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/bad-hospital-food-healthy_n_5e5d3de2c5b63aaf8f5b0390

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