Happy woman on the sunset in nature in summer with open hands
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Meaning and Purpose

Article Abstracts
Nov 24, 2021

Meaning and Purpose

Gratitude, Self-Care, and Other Things You Can Practice to Feel Happier

Article Abstracts
Mar 12, 2025

The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of people around the globe, but there are plenty of simple things you can do to start feeling happier, says life coach, motivational speaker, and business strategist Tony Robbins. It’s all about a few basic principles, says Robbins: taking care of your body and your mind, focusing on the needs of others, and emulating role models.

“Where focus goes, energy flows,” says Robbins. Feed your mind with nutritious content. Reading, or listening to, substantive material (and that doesn’t mean social media)—like biographies of people you admire or books on history or science—can inspire and challenge.

Stay healthy and strengthen your body with whole foods (avoid sugar and additives) and regular exercise. Create a daily routine that includes at least 10 minutes a day of cardiovascular activity. Allow time for meditative practices like yoga. Spend plenty of time outdoors to soak up the sun’s vitamin D, which can fight depression. Nature can help you reconnect with yourself. The great outdoors is a wonderful place to enjoy activities with family and friends. Sleep is also vitally important for well-being—don’t let unnecessary activities distract you from getting seven or eight hours nightly. And put away the electronic devices an hour before bedtime.  

Find a role model—someone you admire who has overcome challenges. You can learn a lot from seeing how others have succeeded. Surround yourself with people who are positive and are doing things you enjoy doing or would like to do.

Giving can be more rewarding than receiving. Remember, there are people out there who have bigger problems than you do. And when you give, don’t expect anything in return. The reward is in the giving itself.

Practice self-care on a daily basis. Spend a little time every day doing something that you enjoy. It can be as simple as having a coffee at your favorite café. Plan a vacation or book a massage.

Listening to music can relax the body and feed the soul. Develop a playlist that enhances your mood.

Stay away from social media, especially when you’re not feeling happy. It can worsen your mood to see pictures of people who all appear to have perfect lives (they don’t).

Don’t isolate—find activities you enjoy and get out there and do them. Create opportunities to connect with others, whether it’s a half-hour lunch or a day trip to the beach.

One of the best ways to process your emotions is to write things down. Whether it’s a life-changing experience or a break-up, putting it down on paper can help you better understand it.

Countless studies have shown the benefits of gratitude. Make it a practice to write down five things for which you are grateful.


Tony Robbins. (2021). How can I feel happier? https://www.tonyrobbins.com/ask-tony/feel-happier/?

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