Genetically modified food concept (GMO). Oranges artificially produced in laboratory

Food, Farming and Nutrition

Article Abstracts
Jan 10, 2020

Food, Farming and Nutrition

GMO: Do We Really Need It?

Article Abstracts
Mar 14, 2025

Does Mother Nature really need a boost to make crops resistant to herbicide sprays or are the world’s largest chemical and seed companies looking for their own boost? Are GMOs and pesticides critical to feeding a hungry world? Or do they pose an urgent threat to you, your loved ones, and our planet?

Must-read article from The Wall Street Journal: “Agriculture-industry officials say old GMO techniques involve adding in genes from outside, to survive herbicide sprays or repel destructive bugs and new gene-editing technologies will enable scientists to achieve the same effects by altering the DNA without inserting new genes.”

“What we’re doing is basically boosting Mother Nature to a degree, just in a more efficient manner,” says Adrian Percy, head of agriculture research for Bayer AG, which also develops crop seeds.

Seed companies and farm groups have spent millions of dollars on campaigns promoting the benefits of biotech crops, while fighting label requirements. Monsanto is diving into social media. DowDuPont and seed company HM.Clause Inc. lead a program at Walt Disney World’s Epcot Center for tourists called “The Magic of Seed.” Peppering descriptions of plant genetics with words like “fun” and “exciting.”

Regulators, including the USDA, don’t plan to regulate gene-edited plants as tightly. These crops can be brought to market faster and cheaper. DowDuPont Inc., the world’s largest chemical and seed company, plans to sell Crispr-edited corn to farmers this fall. Scientist and industry executives say it could transform agriculture and help feed a growing population.

Organic farmers say it may pose risks to human health and permanently alter the environment spreading beyond farms.

Consumers are become more educated about the health effects of GMO and herbicidal treatments and are voting with their dollars. The WSJ reported sales of products made without GMO's have increased to $25.5 billion in 2017 from $349 million in 2010.

To learn how to protect yourself and those you cherish, you can obtain a free copy of GMO:OMG! report and receive free admission to the 7th Annual Food Revolution Summit. At the summit you will learn from 24 of the world's top food experts — as they give you the unvarnished truth about where your food comes from, and what it means for your life. I have personally attended integrative health and wellness conferences around the US where many of these speakers/top doctors were providing outstanding, cutting-edge science-based education.

Here is the link to receive your FREE copy of the report and FREE access to the summit:


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