KnoWEwell, P.B.C.

Food, Farming and Nutrition

Jun 22, 2023

Food, Farming and Nutrition

Glyphosate and Obesity and the Dangers of GM Microbes - Episode 167

May 19, 2024

In this episode of the Live Healthy Be Well podcast, Stephanie Seneff discusses the increasing obesity rates in the United States and its correlation with the consumption of glyphosate-contaminated foods. There is evidence that glyphosate disrupts the body's ability to process fats and eliminate toxins, leading to obesity. 

In addition, Jeffrey Smith addresses the claims made by the biotech industry about the benefits of GMOs, debunking them by citing evidence that shows an increase in the use of herbicides and insecticides, minimal yield improvements, and the ineffectiveness of GMOs in solving global hunger issues. He also discusses the dangers of introducing genetically modified microbes into the environment and how they could lead to a worldwide cataclysmic event.

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