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Green Living

Aug 02, 2024

Green Living

The Environmentally Friendly Workplace

Sep 16, 2024

A greener work environment reduces costs, optimizes building operations, saves energy and water, reduces waste and improves employee morale. A study by Brookfield Properties, a real estate developer, found that 93 percent of those working in an eco-friendly office feel happier. Here are some sustainable workplace measures.

  • Conserve electricity. Install motion-activated light switches, and turn off computers during off-hours. Use a smart thermostat to schedule efficient temperature settings throughout the workday and on weekends and holidays. Strategically position window blinds to regulate room temperature. Switch to LED lightbulbs, which emit very little heat, use 75 percent less energy and last three to five times longer than incandescent bulbs.
  • Travel less. Reduce the company’s carbon footprint and business travel expenses by employing video conferencing.
  • Embrace renewable energy. Adopt solar panels and wind energy. Where available, choose an electric company that uses renewable energy sources instead of coal or natural gas.
  • Recycle. Clearly label recycling bins in kitchens and common areas; post signs listing items that can be recycled. Donate or recycle old office furniture, computers and other electronics. Participate in recycling programs for printer cartridges and batteries.
  • Go paperless. The average U.S. office worker prints about 31 pages a day, contributing to 21 million tons of paper waste by businesses annually. Replace paper and ink with digital solutions.
  • Decorate with plants. Live greenery beautifies workspaces, lowers stress and anxiety, boosts oxygen levels and reduces indoor air pollutants.
  • Promote a sustainable kitchen. Use reusable mugs and kitchenware or offer compostable options. Keep reusable takeout containers for office leftovers. Replace paper towels with washable towels, compostable sponges, scrub brushes and cloth napkins. Keep a hamper close by and launder as needed.
  • Ditch the plastic pods. A coffee pod machine produces plastic waste with each cup. Use a coffee pot or opt for recyclable pods and a dedicated recycling bin nearby.
  • Provide a water station. Plastic water bottles are packing landfills and polluting waterways. Install a filtered-water dispenser and encourage office workers to employ reusable cups and bottles.
  • Use green cleaning products. Eco-friendly products are less toxic and produce less waste. Choose bar soap and refillable, sustainable cleaning solutions.
  • Plan purchases. E-commerce is convenient but can contribute to packaging waste and carbon emissions. Purchase office supplies from sustainable suppliers; buy products with low lifecycle environmental impacts; order in bulk; and avoid small, last-minute orders.
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