Relationships and Connections

Relationships and Connections
Combatting Loneliness in the Aging Population
Research shows that social connections are vital to mental health and well-being, particularly in the elderly, where family, friends, and community can provide a vital protection against anxiety and depression.
Survey data in Australia over an almost 10-year period showed that one in 10 people will experience a period of loneliness in any given year, with the risks increasing with age.
Loneliness can lead to an increased incidence of health problems, including obesity, high blood pressure, and more frequent hospital admissions.
Risk factors for loneliness include major life transitions and personal loss such retirement, moving house, and the death of a partner or close friend.
But loneliness is not an inevitable part of getting older, and strengthening meaningful connections is a critical tool in preventing it. Having someone to talk to and support you can stave off depression and delay progression of dementia and mental decline.
Some strategies that are recommended are staying involved in the lives of family and friends, in person, by phone, or online; participating in clubs and interest groups; helping out or cooking for a friend or neighbor in need. Physical activity, like walking, is not only good for your general health but provides an ideal opportunity to get out of the house and interact socially.
But for some, social anxiety can be overwhelming and debilitating. Sufferers should consult their doctor, who may be able to help with social skills training or cognitive behavior therapy.
Beyond Blue. (n.d.). Connections matter: Helping older people stay socially active. https://resources.beyondblue.org.au/prism/file?token=BL/1366