Integrative Health and Wellness

Integrative Health and Wellness
Cancer Organization Rooted in Love
Dimple Parmar and Kishan Shah co-founded Love Heals Cancer to improve and extend life for cancer patients and their caregivers through integrative oncology therapies. Through their personal experience with cancer, they identified a gap in today’s healthcare system. which lacked integrative oncology cancer care approaches. Love Heals Cancer bridges this gap by advocating for the use of evidence-based integrative oncology therapies for cancer treatment.
Soulmates until the end and beyond, Dimple and her husband, Nitesh, have a beautiful love story. Nitesh, a simple man with limitless determination and focus was the sole earning member of his family. During college, Nitesh met Dimple, an energetic young woman filled with joy. They both attended the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta. At first, Dimple found Nitesh to be intense and almost rude, but over time, she was able to peel back the layers of his hard façade to discover a brilliant, caring, and pragmatic man.
In 2016, a routine check-up revealed that Nitesh had Stage III colorectal cancer. Nitesh took a step back from his entrepreneurial dreams to deal with the reality of his illness. He began treatment, approaching his health condition in a logical manner. Using Excel, Nitesh organized funding details, on-going academic requirements, treatment options, and a diet plan. His will to live impressed all who knew him and won him the admiration and support of friends and family.
Before his death, Nitesh said that he wanted to help others fight cancer.
Always by his side was Dimple, who helped Nitesh with his studies and cancer treatments. Although Nitesh had no intention of starting a relationship, he could not help but fall in love with Dimple. The two planned to marry. However, after a year-long fight filled with interventions that included surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, Nitesh learned that the cancer had metastasized to his lungs, pelvis, and abdominal areas, for a total of 12 tumors. The couple married despite the grim news.
On March 14, 2018, Nitesh passed away, but Dimple vowed to not allow his death to be in vain. She wanted to give back to the society that had unconditionally helped her husband. Before his death, Nitesh said that he wanted to help others fight cancer, so Dimple founded Love Heals Cancer to help those with cancer receive the best possible medical and spiritual advice.
Love Heals Cancer works with doctors, researchers, scientists, patients, caregivers, and healers in all three aspects of healthcare—preventive, curative, and palliative care. There are programs for integrative cancer care, end-of-life care, caring for caregivers, and healing circles. Love Heals Cancer continues Nitesh’s legacy and is fulfilling his wish to make a difference for those fighting the disease.
Love Heals Cancer. (n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2020, from https://lovehealscancer.org/about-us/