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Industry News
AIHM and ACIH Merge
In efforts to advance holistic and integrative health globally, the Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM) and the Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health (ACIH) have announced the merger of their business operations. AIHM’s global plan to strategize and catalyze an integrative health movement is aligned with ACIH’s mission to contribute to transforming the current healthcare system to one that emphasizes the importance of promoting health and well-being. Representatives of the two organizations say the union will enable opportunities for major growth while promoting whole-person care. Combined, AIHM and ACIH serve over 70 organizations and thousands of integrative health clinicians in their endeavors to move their strategic projects forward while providing the highest quality, evidence-based education. Through conferences, e-learning, webinars, and world class inter-professional fellowship in integrative health and medicine, they strive to be the leading global integrative health organizations, making education and member service their central focus.
Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM). (2020, December 28). Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine (AIHM) & Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health (ACIH) announce the planned merger of their business operations. https://aihm.campaign-view.com/ua/viewinbrowser?od=27218d28c96aa859ec99dd09c99b43d1b1185630859ca1fd…