March Equinox Wombs of Peace Circle
Wombs of Peace Circle Guidelines*:
These guidelines are based traditional Indigenous Talking Circles, which exist in different forms in Indigenous traditions. These guidelines were identified, gathered and then handed-down to us by our late Yupi'k Elder Rita Blumenstein.
* At the beginning of every such circle, the facilitator will read aloud these guidelines, like setting the table for the meal.
Talking: Let the Circle do the talking, while we all are doing the listening.
Innocence: Listen with the innocence of a child, without judgment or resistance. Let a story be offered alongside another story, truth by truth, like dishes at a potluck.
Respect: yourself, other-selves, time and attention. This is a potluck of offerings. Be respectful even if something doesn’t nourish you, for it may be nourishing for others.
Stay Clear: of agendas, titles and flags; listen without counseling, marketing, lecturing, advising, arguing, or planning a reply. Allow yourself to be open to what your other-self is sharing. (No need to embrace everything, but we ask that you listen.)
Speak: only if your heart tells you to. You don’t have to speak. Even if you do not speak you will be heard. No cross-talking.
Truth: We only speak of what we know to be true in our own lived experience (not taught, or borrowed or maybe). Don’t speak on behalf of anyone, but yourself.
Ripe: speak when the words and moment are ripe.
Expand: Make room for different truths that may be opposite to yours, but just as valid.
For Talking Circles: Confidentiality!! What comes up in the circle is not to be shared or further discussed, unless explicit permission is given by the ones involved/mentioned. [This doesn’t apply to Sharing Circles, recorded / live-streamed.]
Changes: Suggested changes will be offered in writing now and discussed when we meet, till consensus is reached, before the circle commences.
Welcome to Wombs of Peace.
Conflicting or completing?
How do opposites relate to each other?
What's between stars and darkness?
When do we stop seeing the opposite?
Our Women Wisdom Keepers will go on a live exploration in celebration of the Equinox to look at Opposites in ancient teachings and current lived experiences.
This time we will all listen in for the first hour to allow Spirit to move through our speakers into words to be shared with our circle.
For the second hour we'll go into break-out rooms where each Wisdom-Keeper will hold a Talking Circle that will do the talking through you, our
participants, who are welcome to share actively and verbally with your Break-Out-Room circle according to the Guidelines.
You are FREELY invited to be part of our WOMBS OF PEACE movement incelebration of the Equinox.
Join us on:
Friday, March 21, 2025
12:00pm Pacific
Convert to your time zone here:
*Please Register for our Zoom here:
Social media link: