IFM Therapeutic Food Plans - Practitioner Online Course
Therapeutic Food Plans: A Component of Personalized Nutrition (TFP) was developed in collaboration with the American Nutrition Association to educate clinicians and nutrition professionals on the customization and clinical applications of IFM’s suite of therapeutic food plans to meet the individual health needs of patients. You may also choose to include the Patient Education Series tools to support your implementation efforts.
TFP is an interactive, online learning course that offers case-based scenarios with diverse patients profiles to demonstrate real-world application and personalization of each food plan. TFP examines the role of nutrition within the functional medicine framework and how selecting therapeutic foods can impact many chronic conditions. Clinicians will develop mastery of the IFM Food Plans including features, scientific rationale, customization, troubleshooting, and patient engagement tips. Through this course, practitioners will be able to select and personalize an appropriate food plan based on their patient’s unique set of health concerns and lifestyle preferences. Clinicians from all disciplines are encouraged to join the course, especially if they work closely with patients on nutrition.
Up to 6.5 CME Credits.