Pain Free Living Program
Yes, You CAN Experience Rapid Drug-Free Relief from Chronic Pain!
There is hope for you even if you’ve struggled with chronic pain for years and tried everything… and I can show you how.
Does this sound familiar?
- Pain is keeping you from being at your best at work.
- Your relationships are suffering because your pain levels are so off the charts.
- You’re exhausted with little to no energy and it’s affecting every area of your life.
- You struggle to sleep, walk, exercise, travel, play with your kids or grandkids, or even relax because of your chronic pain.
- Your doctor said you’re stuck with chronic pain for the rest of your life.
- You’ve tried everything you can think of to get rid of the pain and get back to the life you want to live.
The National Academy of Sciences estimates more than 100 million U.S. adults suffer from chronic unrelieved pain on a regular basis1. This amounts to approximately $600B in direct health care costs, lost productivity, and wage reduction2. There’s no denying the massive economic toll this epidemic is taking on families across the U.S. and around the world.
Outdated, often dangerous and addicting chronic pain relief methods often don’t work. They’re like band-aids that don’t actually let you heal at the root. In many cases, these dangerous methods often make the problem worse and create horrible side effects. The “drug it out, cut it out” method for addressing chronic pain is a broken approach — and you can’t wait, fingers crossed, ‘hoping’ another drug or procedure will finally give you relief.
You have an amazing life to enjoy – you don’t have time to let pain stop your momentum!
1 Source
2 Institute of Medicine. Pain as a public health challenge. In: Relieving Pain in America: A Blueprint for Transforming Prevention, Care, Education, and Research. Washington, DC: National Academies Press; 2011.
You need to be focused, full of Energy, productive, performing at the top of your game, leading your company, caring for your family, and living with confidence and greater ease.
You can’t afford to be ‘too tired’, have brain fog, call in sick again, visit another specialist, or let down those closest to you.
If that’s YOU… if you’re tired of feeling exhausted and stuck when it comes to pain, here’s the good news: there’s hope for YOU!
Imagine being free of chronic pain and having the joy, energy, and zest you need to live the life you crave…
If you’ve ‘tried everything’, taken the pills and/or supplements, done the various treatments suggested, and you’re not finding a real solution, doesn’t it make sense that there might be something deeper going on that you can’t see?…
Could the source of your pain be hidden from X-rays, MRIs, scans, blood tests, or even microscopes?…
What if your body is trying to tell you something that no amount of drugs, diet changes, yoga sessions, massages, or physical therapy can fix?…
If you’re open to a revolutionary approach to pain, then you’re ready to let the science of energy healing show you a better way. Yes, you CAN experience relief from chronic pain — maybe even total elimination of it — without relying on drugs, endless therapies, giving up your favorite foods, or having to wait YEARS for results.
It starts with revealing and removing at the quantum, invisible level, the hidden causes of your pain, patterns, and suffering.
The Exact Step-by-Step System Combining Expert Insight with Direct Access to Help You Find and Release the Hidden Physical, Mental, Emotional, And Energetic Reasons For Any Type Of Pain And Suffering In Your Life.
Thousands of participants from over 160 different countries have have reported a wide range of healing results from The Pain-Free Living Program®. Here is a small list:
- Chronic Physical Pain
- Depression
- Anxiety and Panic Attacks
- Chronic Joint Pain & Inflammation
- Insomnia
- Chronic Fatigue
- Chronic Migraine Headaches
- Immune Weakness
- Binge-Eating, Digestive Drama, Weight Issues
- Trauma and Abuse
- Addictions
- Relationship Pain
- Unexplained ‘Mystery Pain’
The Pain-Free Living Program® is not simply another ‘Do It Yourself’ recorded program with tons of information to wade through – hoping what you’re learning will work. This is a world-class experiential program and many participants have reported noticeable results starting with the very first week. You’ll have access to the EXACT toolkit for releasing pain of all types.
The Pain-Free Living Program® Is Designed To Help You Transcend Pain & Get Your Energy And Your Life Back On Track.
What’s Included
With the Pain-Free Living Program® ?
The Pain-Free Living Program® E-COURSE includes eight (8) Mp3 recordings
plus Inspirational Handouts
and Companion worksheets designed to get Real Results
A Recorded HighSpeed Energy Healing® session
The best part is no travel is required!
AND… I do get it – you’re busy! What if you’re worried you won’t have energy or time to do all of the work?
The Pain-Free Living Program® is designed to create space and free up your energy!
It doesn’t require hours and hours of extra time and energy. Go at your own pace and choose how much time and energy works best for you. You’ll have 30 days of continuous 24/7 access to all the course materials.
You can practice the super relaxing self-care tools and exercises at your own pace along with the HighSpeed Healing session. The session retrains your body, mind, and nervous system to slow down and feel calm. This may speed up your entire healing process, and very often people have reported their pain and symptoms diminished significantly, and even disappeared completely, starting with the very first session.
Experience for yourself my revolutionary HighSpeed Healing Method™ proven to help thousands of people just like yourself from all over the world eliminate pain and suffering of all types and experience greater ease, joy, and freedom.
These are the exact tools you can use for the rest of your life on ANY pain, problem, pattern, or symptom.
- You can listen on your computer or smart device in the comfort and privacy of your own home or wherever you may be.
Here’s what you can expect with The Pain-Free Living Program®:
- Eight (8) .mp3 Recordings – I will personally guide you step by step through my exact Pain-Free Living Program® system designed to get your energy and life back on track and keep it there!
- One Recorded Mp3 HighSpeed Energy Healing™ Session. Experience for yourself how and why thousands of people just like you, in over 160 countries, have reported the elimination of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, insomnia, binge-eating, headaches, Trauma, even “mysterious” chronic symptoms, and they finally began to experience greater energy, joy, and freedom in their body, mind, and life.
- The PFLP® Essential Tool Kit – Your Real Results Companion Worksheets will arrive in PDF format are designed to help you get Real Results and put into practice what you learn in the audio recordings. Print out your worksheets and practice these exact techniques to bring new awareness, healing, and transformation into your life.
- Get on the SAFEST, FASTEST, NON-DRUG PATH TO HEALING: Experience for yourself the HighSpeed Healing™ method shown in a science lab to Remove Pain and Dis-ease Symptoms, and Recharge your Energy 6 times faster than other methods.
- Use the Recorded HighSpeed Healing™ session from the comfort of your own home to speed up your healing process.
- As you experience The HighSpeed Healing™ session and practice the PFLP tools, there is typically an increase in energy, benefits, and positive results. Many past participants have reported their old pains and patterns simply melted away, and a new, more powerful, clear, confident self emerged naturally and effortlessly.
The Pain-Free Living Program® was made for you if…
- You’ve tried other pain relief methods and nothing has truly relieved your pain.
- You’re tired of the “drug it out, cut it out” approach, which at best puts a temporary band-aid on your pain.
- You want to break free of anxiety, depression, panic attacks, guilt, self-doubt, and other crippling emotions that often show up as emotional, mental, and even physical pain.
- You want to eliminate trauma, fatigue, and/or chronic pain and get your energy, productivity, and focus back.
- You’re tired of being told to “just learn to live with it,” “that’s just the aging process,” “pop a few Tylenol or something stronger,” or “there’s nothing we can do for you.”
- You want to clear stress and pain patterns and prevent them from returning.
- You’re tired of worrying and wondering “Why am I still hurting?” and trying to ‘fix’ yourself.
- You know something must change but you just don’t know how to make that happen.
- You want to get your joy back and do the things you love with the people you love.
If that’s you, then The Pain-Free Living Program® is PERFECT for you!
DISCLAIMER: The information, materials, and attachments contained herein are designed for educational purposes only and may not be reproduced in any manner or format without specific written permission from Debora Wayne, LLC. This information is not designed or intended to provide guarantees of any kind nor to be considered medical advice, medical diagnosis, or medical treatment. Debora Wayne LLC, The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute™ and any and all associates of Debora Wayne LLC, and/or The Biofield Healing Institute®, International Chronic Pain Institute™shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, financial, or other claims inferred from these materials. You are solely responsible for continuing with your own medical treatment and care. Any statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Results are affected by a number of factors over which we have no control.