Coherence Revolution
The Coherence Revolution Will
Change Your Life!
This course guides you through each aspect of your journey and includes
"HomePlay" activities to help you engage and experience the transformation.
Enroll now through March 31, 2023 for ½ price ($250) + receive Dr. Halpern’s e-Book.
The Coherence Revolution will teach you how to regain your power and passion for life by designing a more coherent life for yourself - in which all of your daily habits, career, self-care methods, and relationships will be in alignment with your best self. It’s about creating Coherence and balance in every aspect of your life.
This is not a passive process. This is about engaging in life and figuring out what inspires you? What elevates your mood? What actions and experiences elicit gratitude or joy?
The answers may be different for each of us but the process is the same for everyone.
The first step is to decide that the life you’ve been living, the habits, the patterns, and the triggers, are not working for you. There has to be a recognition that you're not living your best life. Once you come to that conclusion, transformation can occur.
The Coherence Revolution teaches you:
● The physiology of stress
● HeartMath breathwork self-regulation techniques
● How to create more coherence through your senses, nature, and the world around you
● Techniques and options to help reduce or eliminate anxiety
● How to create an exercise program that works for you NOT against you.
● How to get restful sleep
● How to make enough time in your schedule to live your dream life
…….And by taking the course you will discover how to:
● Feel a sense of ease
● Become more resilient and adaptable
● Feel more tolerant of others
● Have the perception that you have enough time
- Time to eat slowly, Time to see friends, and Time to read. And especially Time to heal.
● Create a home environment that allows your family to be happy and healthy
● Feel connected to a community and inspired to give your best to others
● Finally get restful sleep
● Significantly reduce pain and stress
● Control your emotions
● Feel more grounded and in the zone
● Feel more in love
● Figure out your true purpose
● Recognize and change old patterns
● Make good decisions and choices for your health including foods, treatments, therapies, and habits
● Define and choose beneficial relationships
● Create a plan to earn money doing something you love
● Discern the aspects of your life that deplete you and the areas that are a source of renewal.
By engaging in the Coherence Revolution process, you will be guided to practice all of the techniques taught in the course including practicing the emotions and habits of your dream life. Your dream life will become so familiar to you that you can’t help but achieve it!