Autism and autistic child putting puzzle together.

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Article Abstracts
Apr 01, 2022

Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Autism: Enjoying Life to the Fullest

Article Abstracts
Jan 04, 2025

Autism is on the rise, with an estimated 1 in 59 children diagnosed with the condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with boys being four times more likely than girls to be diagnosed with autism. Indicators of autism range from varied social-emotional reciprocity to communication deficits to trouble forming and maintaining friendships. Many have sensory hypersensitivities and restricted interests. While there are common traits, no two autistic children are the same. About a third have an intellectual disability while an estimated 10% have amazing skills. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is the diagnosis now applied to a wide range of these characteristics.

Autism is most likely the result of biochemical and genetic abnormalities. About a third of diagnoses are genetic, but it’s believed genetic variations are not a direct cause of the condition but rather predispose a child to sensitivity to environmental stressors including infections, inflammatory events such as immunization, and environmental toxic exposures like mold and industrial chemicals.

Antibiotics tend to change gut flora, which can have neurological effects, and extensive use of acetaminophen causes oxidative stress in the brain of infants. Certain fertility treatments, premature delivery, and advanced paternal age are also possible contributors to the development of autism.

There are many ways to help those with autism function in the world and feel fulfilled. An environment and food supply full of toxins has led to even greater risk of developing autism, according to scientists, so eating organic food while avoiding processed foods is extremely important and has been found to dramatically improve classroom behaviors. Many children with autism seem to have a sensitivity to wheat and milk, which can be toxic to the intestines and lead to autoimmune disorders.

Social and relationship skills are often difficult for those with autism, who need a calm, validating, and loving home so they can grow without the stimuli that causes unrest. Relationship-oriented therapies are essential as the child develops and moves into adulthood. Routines are helpful, and advance notice of a change in schedule will help the child process new information.

Creating an environment for the child to mature and learn in helps them remain peaceful and happy. Accommodations in school such as smaller classrooms and the use of headphones can be helpful. While skills acquisition is important, autistic children need help developing emotional skills and relationships so relationship-oriented therapies are just as essential.


Linsk, R. (2020, April 12). The many faces of autism. Amen Clinics.

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