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Integrative Health and Wellness

News Briefs
Oct 26, 2020

Integrative Health and Wellness

Visionaries for Whole Health

News Briefs
Mar 12, 2025

A major collaboration within integrative healthcare is aiming to provide quality, evidence-based information on the growing world of whole health. Author Deepak Chopra and his vast Chopra Library is teaming up with philanthropist Alice Walton, the Walmart heir, and the visionary Tracy Gaudet, MD, the whole health expert of the Veteran’s Association.

The Chopra Library first came about to combat the spread of misinformation about integrative health. As one of the leading experts in the integrative realm, specifically consciousness and the potential of the human mind, Chopra knew it was critical for all information to be from credible sources, unlike what was currently accessible to the public on platforms such as Wikipedia. With help from Ryan Castle, the executive director and former Wikipedia employee, and William Bushell, PhD, the research director, the Chopra Library now boasts an extensive interactive Topic Map linking users to topics from Chinese medicine studies to Ayurveda to meditation and much more.  

This powerhouse of a tool is the perfect glue to help launch the Whole Health Institute (WHI). While COVID-19 set back the initial timeline, Gaudet is moving forward with work on the WHI website, solidifying a place for the library to have a new and accessible platform for consumers around the world. With Alice Walton on the advisory board, this is the power team to transform healthcare delivery and unite the body and mind’s health and healing.


Weeks, J. (2020, September 1). The Chopra Library at the Walton-funded and Gaudet-led Whole Health Institute: What's the plan? Today's Practitioner.…

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