Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
Healing Touch International Holds Annual Energy Healing Conference
Healing Touch International will hold their 24th Annual Energy Healing Conference virtually from October 1 through October 10, 2020. This year’s theme is “Patterns of Possibility: Creating Wholeness on Earth.” The much-anticipated event will feature over a dozen world-renowned healers as keynote speakers. Participants will have access to live sessions with workshop presenters and numerous on-demand sessions.
This year’s conference emphasizes the powerful concepts of patterns, possibility, and wholeness. According to event organizers, everyone is an expression of patterns that emerge due to their unique history, genetics, culture, education, religion, and socioeconomic background. By investigating these patterns, new possibilities for evolution are discovered, which presents the opportunity for transformational change, healing, and wholeness.
The Healing Touch Program is an energy-based, heart-centered approach to health and healing in which practitioners use their hands to consciously facilitate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. There is magnetic field, or biofield, surrounding the body that can get congested. Healing Touch Practitioners are trained to clear the biofield and enable the energy to flow more easily to the physical body. With the energy of the body and biofield restored and balanced, self-healing can follow and disease may be prevented.
The 24th Annual Conference will be virtual for the first time ever, but the experience will give even more healers the opportunity to be a part of the event. Participants will have the ability to delve even deeper into the Healing Touch Program and meet like-minded individuals. Healers are needed now more than ever as the world continues to change and evolve. Strengthening and supporting one another through this powerful international conference of healing beyond borders can truly invoke change and help others.
Healing Beyond Borders. (2020). 24th annual energy healing conference & instructor meeting. Healing Touch International. https://www.healingbeyondborders.org/index.php/research-healthcare/research/current-research-result…