Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)

Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
The Healing Power of Touch
Human contact has long been acknowledged as a source of comfort and healing. Healing Touch therapy is a heart-centered energy therapy where practitioners consciously use their hands with the intention to balance out the recipient's energy field to facilitate physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual healing. This energy-based approach to health and healing works with the magnetic field, or biofield, around the body.
All living beings have an energy field that surrounds them, with energy centers controlling the flow of energy from the field to the physical body. Using non-invasive techniques to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental energy fields, Healing Touch restores the body’s energy system, allowing the client to self-heal.
The key to Healing Touch is the caring and heart-centered approach to promote healing. There are many benefits to healing with touch. It requires no injections or surgery. It is non-toxic and requires no medications. It is economical as it doesn’t require the use of equipment and can be done anywhere.
Healing Touch utilizes the age-old healing power of touch to heal the body and is typically administered while the client is lying down, clothed. With permission, the practitioner uses their hands to assess the client’s biofield and balances any areas of energy congestion with either off-body touch, without direct contact, or gentle, still touch over certain areas of the body. This results in a feeling of deep relaxation. Once the energy of the body and biofield is restored and balanced, the body can heal, and future illness can be prevented.
Healing Touch Program. (n.d.). What is healing touch? https://www.healingtouchprogram.com/about/what-is-healing-touch#work