Integrative Health and Wellness

Integrative Health and Wellness
Ayurveda: Helping the Corporate World
For many years, Vish Chatterji climbed the corporate ladder in America, relying on yoga and the ancient Indian medical system of Ayurveda to maintain balance in the stress-filled world he inhabited.
He believes that tools like Myers-Briggs and DISC profiles, beloved of corporate leaders in understanding how team members work and how to improve their working relationships, fall short of the three doshas, or energies, of Ayurveda: vata, pitta, and kapha.
“Vatas get anxious and think it’s their fault, while pittas get furious and start blaming everybody, and kaphas get withdrawn,” says Chatterji, the author of The Business Casual Yogi.
After 20 years on the ladder, Chatterji decided to call it quits. He got certified in executive coaching, Ayurveda, meditation, jyotish, and yoga. “I emerged as an East-meets-West executive coach.”
Since then, Chatterji has been working with executives to improve self-awareness, team spirit, and emotional health. He works on a range of issues from diet to scheduling, including meditation, pranayama (breathing) and abhyanga (massage). Chatterji says the performance and mental health of his clients have markedly improved.
Chatterji, V. (2019, July 11). Avuryeda for corporate America. National Ayurvedic Medical Association. https://www.ayurvedanama.org/articles/2019/7/11/ayurveda-for-corporate-americanbsp