Planet and People Connection

Planet and People Connection
MADE SAFE: Working for Better, Cleaner, and Safer Ingredients
There are 87 items identified in the MADE SAFE hazard list that can be harmful. The MADE SAFE Hazard List™ of Chemicals, Materials and Ingredients names some of the worst toxic chemical offenders across product categories and chemicals.
MADE SAFE is a program of the nonprofit Nontoxic Certified, which provides certification for nontoxic baby, personal care, household, and other products.
The company frequently receives questions about chemicals, including what they are, where they’re found, and how they impact human or environmental health, and aquatic or animal life.
The MADE SAFE comprehensive list is intended to provide guidance on common hazards in the marketplace. It also includes a section on exceptions to the rules, trace amounts, and governmental allowances.
There are products where the use case is imperative to consider. MADE SAFE looks at shopper uses for a product to assess the issues unique to each and every product.
Many of the manufacturing processes and ingredient practices haven’t caught up with MADE SAFE’s stringent standards. For example, governmental mandates, rules, or guidelines are listed on each “use case exception.”
MADE SAFE never uses case exceptions for chemicals on its Primary Toxicants list. They search for alternatives and are creating awareness around the need for green chemistry. They are interested in seeing stricter regulations for safe substitutions at the brand, manufacturer, and raw supplier level.
MADE SAFE’s goal is to move manufacturers and suppliers to commit to providing better, cleaner, and safer ingredient alternatives. Ultimately, they hope to work themselves out of existence, when all products on the shelves are made with safe ingredients.
The MADE SAFE hazard list of chemicals, materials & ingredients. MADE SAFE. https://www.madesafe.org/science/hazard-list/