Miso soup
aprilante from Getty Images/CanvaPro


Jul 31, 2024


Immune Boosting Soup With Miso and Ginger Scent

Sep 19, 2024

This macrobiotic soup combines all the healing and digestive benefits of miso and ginger. Noodles, fish and a variation of vegetables can be added, too.


Dash sesame oil

1 leek, finely sliced

1 carrot, finely diced

zucchini or summer squash, finely diced

3-inch portion of wakame sea vegetable, rinsed and cut into small strips

3 cups boiling water

Spring onions, finely cut for garnish

4 tsp brown rice miso paste

1 inch ginger root, juiced

Heat the sesame oil and sauté the leek for one minute. Add the other vegetables and wakame. To make broth, add water to cover the ingredients, bring to a boil then simmer for 4 minutes.

Remove one ladle of broth and place in a bowl. Add the miso to this broth, stirring to dissolve and incorporate the paste into the broth, and then pour it back into the original pot of cooked vegetables. Add ginger juice and simmer for another minute or so. Garnish with spring onion.

Recipe courtesy of Anna Freedman.

Original article published at Natural Awakenings National

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