Mindful Backpack Presentation with Linda Cicero of Life in Color - Holistic Moms Network New Haven County (Southwest), CT Chapter
On December 5, 2023, join the New Haven County chapter of Holistic Moms Network for the interactive mindful backpack presentation with Linda Cicero of Life in Color. The backpack of tools support building emotional resilience, cultivating mindful coping strategies and promoting holistic healthy habits for your mind, body and spirit.
The chapter meetings are open to the public and take place on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at NP Café (formerly Nate’s Plates) in Milford, Conn.
Participants can expect to walk away with nutritional strategies designed to promote a healthy, happy hormone balance while balancing blood sugar and gut health, mindset tools and strategies to help get un-stuck from negative thought and habit patterns. You will learn simple movement, meditation and breathwork exercises designed and scientifically proven to help regulate your nervous system.
Cicero is a NASM-certified nutrition coach and behavior change specialist with 12 years of experience in the fitness and wellness industry. Through her health coaching practice, Life in Color (LifeinColor.online), she supports women in overcoming burnout, prioritizing their well-being and nutrition, and pursuing their aspirations from a place of wholeness.
For more information, visit Facebook.com/HMNNewHaven. RSVP for the event on the Events page on the Facebook page or message the chapter on Facebook Messenger. Location: NP Café (formerly Nate’s Plates), 2 Schooner Ln., Milford, CT.
The Holistic Moms Network is a nonprofit support and discussion network. Our mission, as a membership-based 501(c)(3) organization, is to connect parents, both in-person and online. We encourage parenting from the heart, natural health, and green living. We welcome people wherever they are on their own holistic path in an environment that does not judge. Our local communities are led by volunteer community organizers, and gather at least once a month. Everyone is welcome to attend an event or two before becoming a donating member. For a $30 tax-deductible annual donation, you gain access to your local chapter monthly gatherings, local and national online groups, group purchasing options, and other local offerings and national member benefits. Membership scholarships are available. Learn more at https://www.holisticmoms.org/connect/