Brian Johnson on Healthy Homes : Regenerative Whole Health Show
Brian Johnson, an experienced general contractor, shares his journey from the moment that changed his life. One day in a meeting with other contractors, he suddenly was struggling to think and communicate. Years of exposure to moldy homes and toxic chemicals had built up in his system and were suddenly affecting his well-being. Being an athlete, he immediately knew something was wrong and began the journey back to good health. His healing journey introduced him to environmental, functional, and integrative medicine doctors and specialists along with an understanding of the direct impact of environmental-related health issues. Today, he has moved beyond being a general contractor to pursue the science of healthy home building.
Learning Objectives:
How and why, you should listen to your body
Understanding environmental toxicity
Science of Healthy Home Building
Stay tuned and join us on Brian’s new webcast: Healthy Home Building. Each month Brian will introduce you to an expert on a specific aspect of building, renovating, and or maintaining a healthy home.
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