Chronic Conditions and Diseases

Chronic Conditions and Diseases
For the Lactose Intolerant, Move Over Probiotics
Approximately 40 million Americans suffer from the symptoms of lactose intolerance—an inability to digest lactose, a type of sugar found in milk.
Symptoms include diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Some simply avoid dairy products altogether, while others seek out lactose-free products or consume lactase pills that aid with digestion.
There is a promising new treatment on the horizon: a prebiotic known as RP- G28, which is in stage 3 clinical trials. It works by stimulating the growth of lactose-metabolizing bacteria. Data from clinical-trial participants has yielded encouraging results, including a reduction in unpleasant symptoms of lactose intolerance and a remarkable 78% increase in the lactose-metabolizing bacteria known as bifidobacterial.
Ritter Pharmaceuticals, the maker of RP-G28, perceives its prebiotic as superior to probiotic supplements, which produce variable results.
Schepker, K. (2018, November 28). First-of-kind Rx prebiotic promises lactose intolerance relief. Holistic Primary Care. https://holisticprimarycare.net/latest-articles/2010-pharma-company-eyes-lactose-intolerance-market…;