Redefining Nutritional Psychiatry Conference
It’s time to enhance conventional psychiatric care and treat the unique, individual imbalances contributing to mental illness. Join expert speakers to explore the latest nutritional psychiatry protocols to help your patients move beyond symptom management and into recovery. You’ll learn treatment approaches to target imbalances related to genetics, environmental exposure, nutrition and the gut microbiome. Experts will share clinical and nutritional modalities to enhance patient outcomes for mental illnesses, such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, eating disorders, OCD, and dyslexia, and also examine neurodivergence through the prism of strength rather than pathology.
Join us for two days of fascinating talks from Psychiatry Redefined, the ground-breaking clinical psychiatry education platform, led by internationally renowned psychiatrist Dr. James Greenblatt, MD.
Psychiatry Redefined will draw upon the latest areas of nutritional psychiatry to equip you with the latest tools to improve your patient’s mental health, from genetics, environmental exposure to nutrition and microbiome.
Neurodivergence will be reviewed through the prism of strength rather than pathology. Best practice for optimum outcomes in ADHD and dyslexia will be presented.