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Healthy Kids
Article Abstracts
May 16, 2023
Healthy Kids
Top Signs Your Child Needs Zinc
Article Abstracts
Mar 14, 2025
Zinc is a common nutrient deficiency in children (as well as adults).
Here are some of the top signs that your child may be deficient in this nutrient.
- Frequent infections
- Picky eating
- Low appetite and poor growth
- Eczema or slow skin healing
- Sensory issues
- Attention/focus issues
- Mood or behavior concerns
- Allergies and histamine symptoms
- Food sensitivities / “leaky gut”
- Pica (craving for nonfood items such as rocks, dirt, sand, paper, their shirt sleeves)
- Horizontal lines on nails
- Chronic diarrhea
Zinc supports a healthy immune response, may reduce the risk of respiratory infections, reduces picky eating, and improves growth. It can also help heal eczema and leaky gut, reduce sensory issues, support mood and focus, and reduce allergy and histamine symptoms.
Food is medicine, so first reach for foods rich in zinc. Some zinc-rich foods include:
- Pumpkin seeds
- Beans
- Grass-fed beef
- Lamb
- Sesame seeds
- Garbanzo beans
- Lentils
- Cashews
- Quinoa
- Eggs
- Organic poultry
- Shellfish
- Raw sprouts
- Liver
- Spinach
- Garlic
- Peanuts
- Dairy products
Song, E. (2023, April 4). Top 12 signs your child needs zinc. Healthy Kids Happy Kids e-newsletter. https://healthykidshappykids.com/