KnoWEwell, P.B.C.

Food, Farming and Nutrition
Amazing Stories Uncovered in the Lawsuits Against Bayer/Monsanto - Episode 161
Mar 12, 2025
In this episode, Jeffrey tells some amazing stories at a Real Truth About Health conference that have been uncovered during the recent and ongoing lawsuits against Bayer/Monsanto:
- Monsanto's "Discredit Bureau," which worked under the mission statement "Let Nothing Go," was a financial line item in their budget.
- The story of International Biotest Labs (IBT) that performed 35 - 40% of the toxicology testing for the industry and was considered the "go to" lab to get your pesticide approved. It was found through a DOJ investigation that about 80% of the tests run through IBT were falsified and invalid.
- The story of James Parry, one of the leading scientists on genotoxicity, was hired by Monsanto and declared glyphosate, the main chemical in Roundup, genotoxic. Monsanto would not accept any of his findings and hid them from the EPA.
- The story of Marion Copely, an EPA executive dying from cancer, who said during her last days that her investigation showed that there were 14 ways that glyphosate could cause cancer.