Food, Farming and Nutrition
Genetic Roulette-The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods - Episode 138
Genetic Roulette-The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods - Episode 138
In this episode Jeffrey answers a series of questions pertaining to the documented health risks of genetically modified foods and their place in our culture, politics and science.
- You say that the whole GMO industry is based on a lie where the FDA said in 1992, "the agency is not aware of any information showing that foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way." Why do you say this statement was a lie and why was it accepted by everyone if it wasn't truthful?
- Why was the FDA under orders from the White House to promote GM crops? Why were scientists warnings about GM crops ignored back in 1992?
- What conflicts of interest exist between the FDA and Monsanto?
- Which agencies and parts of government are pro GM crops and why?
- How many peer reviewed studies have there been on the safety of GM crops on animals and how many on humans? How was the quality of the studies that have been done?
- Who has paid for and overseen the studies on GM crops?
- And many more...
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