Exercise, Energy and Movement

Exercise, Energy and Movement
Nitrates for Athletic Performance?
There is existing evidence that nitrates are beneficial for cardiovascular health and exercise performance. What does the recent data say?
According to the International Olympic Committee’s consensus statement, there are five dietary supplements for which there is strong evidence to support their use for boosting exercise performance:
- Nitrates
- Caffeine
- Creatine
- Beta-alanine
- Sodium bicarbonate
Existing evidence suggests that nitrates from vegetable sources, such as leafy greens and root vegetables (e.g., beets) can be processed to nitrite and nitric acid and provide cardio-protective effects and improved exercise performance.
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition suggests that acute or chronic dietary nitrate intake significantly enhances muscle power in humans, independent of their age or sex. The studies primarily utilized concentrated beetroot juice as the source of dietary nitrate, and the reported effect size was 0.43, or a 5% increase in muscle power with nitrate supplementation. In the world of professional sports, this is an impressive competitive edge. This also may make a difference in the aging process, helping safely manage many daily tasks and avoid injury.
However, there is a need for more research into the net benefits and risks of nitrates to human health, as well as to determine optimal dosing and frequency. Some studies suggest nitric acid enhances blood flow to muscles, but others indicate that oxygen demand may be lowered by nitrate supplementation. Nitrates and nitrites are also commonly used in processed meats like bacon and hot dogs and have been long thought to contribute to an increased risk for certain cancers, although this view has been challenged over the last decade.
Attia, P. (2022, May 7). Are nitrates the next big thing for athletic performance? https://peterattiamd.com/nitrates-athletic-performance
Coggan, A., et. al. (2021, October 9). Effect of dietary nitrate on human muscle power: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis. https://jissn.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12970-021-00463-z