Grain Free Certification


The Lab-Tested, Certified Grain-Free and Gluten Free Certification Program certifies that products contain no grain, or gluten. Using a mass spectrometry assay instead of the traditional ELISA, products will be tested by more sensitive instruments to ensure that products are indeed safe for individuals with gluten and grain sensitivities.

Applied Standards

All Products should not contain grains and be grain free


The FDA defines gluten-free as an end product containing less than 20 parts per million of gluten. However, the Paleo Foundation requires that products test at less than 10ppm of gluten and gliadin competitives for Grain Free Gluten Free Certification.

Other notes

Disallowed grains include barley, rice, bulgur, kamut, oats, spelt, teff, wheat, wheat berries, triticale, corn, hominy, rye, sorghum. Pseudo grains amaranth, quinoa, buckwheat.


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