Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You
Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?
If so, this series may change your life.
Why is autoimmunity so hard to cure?
The truth is this: We cannot arrest, or stop what we do not understand.
YOU simply cannot change what you do not know.
THAT is the seed that fuelled this entire project.
According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA) there are 72+ million people in America alone, struggling with numerous autoimmunity issues; things such as M.S, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease IBD), skin disorders (Psoriasis, Eczema), Hair Loss (Alopecia) fibromyalgia, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, to name just a few, or any one of ~130+ other autoimmune diseases.
If you know someone who has one of these awful diseases but wants to be able to fully love life again, and to participate without feeling sick, tired, fat, or racked by pain and frustration, then this will be the most important series you can watch!
Here’s why…
In Betrayal we will take you behind the scenes of the autoimmune industry. You’ll soon discover what the hidden elements are that cause you and your loved ones to be constantly sick, and left wondering why you’re not getting any better…and are often left without an answer – as to why!
Join me and my team, as we interview over 85+ well-respected experts, doctors, functional medicine practitioners, professors, scientists, health advocates, and even survivors of this insidious spectrum of diseases, and watch as we lift the lid on the secrets that are being kept from you about why everyone is so sick.
I’m tired of seeing so many lives and families ruined by illness. Here’s how and why we can make you this promise… I’ve scoured the Earth to get the leading minds on Autoimmune Disease, to share their ground-breaking information, newest ideas and solutions, that will help people just like you, turn their lives around for the better.
After 30 years in practice, I cannot stand by even one more moment while the many manifestations of this illness continue to end lives, careers, families and dreams…
The best minds from many countries, and some of the most respected names in medicine and healthcare have come together to bring this information to light.
~Dr. Tom O’Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN