Monthly Gathering Roundtable Brunch and Clothing Swap- Holistic Moms Network Fox Valley, WI Chapter
Purge all the clothes from your closet you no longer wear and bring them over to Poplar Creek Wedding Barn in Oshkosh. Shop through what everyone else brought, and bring a new wardrobe home! You do not need to bring any clothes to be able to participate. All remaining clothes will be donated.
Brunch will be served to munch on while we chat about various holistic topics. We will also be discussing the schedule for next year's meeting topics and times, so bring your ideas!
The Holistic Moms Network is a nonprofit support and discussion network. Our mission, as a membership-based 501(c)(3) organization, is to connect parents, both in-person and online. We encourage parenting from the heart, natural health, and green living. We welcome people wherever they are on their own holistic path in an environment that does not judge. Our local communities are led by volunteer community organizers, and gather at least once a month. Everyone is welcome to attend an event or two before becoming a donating member. For a $30 tax-deductible annual donation, you gain access to your local chapter monthly gatherings, local and national online groups, group purchasing options, and other local offerings and national member benefits. Membership scholarships are available. Learn more at https://www.holisticmoms.org/connect/