Honoring your Feminine Energy During Life Transitions with the HMN Sayville, NY Chapter
Our guest speaker will be D. Erin Guerriero, RN, BSN, IBCLC, Graduate certification in Holistic Nursing from UCONN.
Topic - Honoring your Feminine Energy throughout life's transitions.
We will be speaking about the time from first menses (making it not taboo and teaching our daughters to honor this time and their bodies), to transitioning into being a woman, taking control of our sexual health, healing our trauma. We'll talk about the transition to mother through pregnancy, adoption, or as a community support. You don't have to have children (through birth or adoption) to be a mother (some cultures this is the Aunties) We'll learn about continuing to honor the changes throughout our lives as we then embrace the final stage, menopause.
The Holistic Moms Network is a national 501(c)(3) non-profit organization connecting like-minded parents who are interested in holistic health and green living. Everyone is welcome to attend our monthly gatherings to try out one or two events before becoming a member.
Find more information at www.holisticmoms.org