Holistic Moms Network Annual Online Auction
Thank you to all who donated to our 2022 auction, and made it such a success! This year’s auction will kick off on 10/15/23. See who is donating so far this year.
Each year in October, we hold the HMN Online Auction to raise much-needed funds to drive awareness of our organization and work. As we continue to grow our community, the Holistic Moms Network aims to expand its reach to even more families across the United States.
Companies, individuals, organizations, and communities donate holistic, natural, and organic items, trips, show tickets, books, and more to our annual auction. The event is hosted on eBay and all proceeds go to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit community.
If you are ready to participate simply go to our Online Donation Form and make your pledge! Here are our 2023 donors so far to give you an idea of our supporting businesses.
By pledging your merchandise, assortment of items (such as a gift basket), services, or a gift certificate, your company will be listed on the HMN website, and the auction is promoted through our social media channels and email lists.
Our 15th annual auction will be taking place from Sunday, October 15th through Sunday, October 22nd, 2023.
If you donated last year, THANK YOU! If you would like to participate this year simply go to our Online Donation Form and make your pledge, or email us at auction@holisticmoms.org with any questions.