
Food, Farming and Nutrition

Oct 12, 2021

Food, Farming and Nutrition

GMO Microbes and Potential Planetary Issues with Jeffrey Smith - Episode 109

Jun 02, 2024

GMO Microbes and Potential Planetary Issues with Jeffrey Smith - Episode 109


In this episode Jeffrey is interviewed by Bryan Carroll from the Summit for Wellness Podcast:

I'm sure you have heard of GMO crops, which have been around for a couple of decades. But now we are living in an interesting time where people are testing new waters and starting to mess with microbes.

As we've seen over the last couple years, once a microscopic-sized organism is released, there is no way to stop it from spreading around the world. So if we are manipulating bacteria and other microbes, if there are harmful unintended consequences then it could be catastrophic to the planet.

In this episode with Jeffrey Smith, we discuss what could happen if the wrong microbes get out of the lab.

What To Expect From This Episode:

  • What are GMOs and are we only genetically modifying plants or are we breaking out into other natural realms
  • How GMOs impact the human body (at least up to this point)
  • What are some potential issues with genetically modifying bacteria and other microbes
  • Ways we can put regulations in place to reduce the chances of massive unintended consequences impacting the planet

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The Institute for Responsible Technology is working to protect you and the World from GMOs to Safeguarding Biological Evolution from GMOs 2.0. Signup for updates from IRT & Live Healthy Be Well to learn easy ways for you to take action against this existential threat and get the latest news and tips to help you and your family be well.

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